Headshot for Associate Silvia Alcaraz
  1. Silvia Alcaraz, REALTOR ®
  2. Premier Realty Group
  3. Your Guiding Light to Home Ownership!
  4. sagoldenhome@gmail.com
Tract 1 Abbott Rd N, St Hedwig, TX 78152
  • MLS#: 1802523 ( Land )
  • Street Address: Tract 1 Abbott Rd N
  • Viewed: 19
  • Price: $480,501
  • Price sqft: $1
  • Waterfront: No
  • Year Built: Not Available
  • Bldg sqft: 664464
  • Days On Market: 131
Request More Information
  • All fields are required.
Possible Terms
  1. Conventional
  2. Texas Vet
  3. Cash
  4. Investors OK
  1. Exclusive Right To Sell
Days On Market
  1. 111
Depth Feet
  1. 663
  1. Undeveloped
  1. 111
Elementary School
  1. East Central
Front Footage
  1. 998
  1. City Street
High School
  1. East Central
Home Owners Association Mandatory
  1. None
  1. Paved Roads
  2. City Street
  1. Property is located at the corner of Abbott Road and N. Graytown Road.
Legal Desc Lot
  1. 61
Legal Description
  1. CB 5110 P-61 & P-62 ABS 127 Tract 1 15.254 acres
  1. Corner
  2. Level
Middle School
  1. East Central
  1. Partial Flood Plain
  2. Ag Exempt
Other Tax
  1. 16.17
Owner Lrealreb
  1. No
Ph To Show
  1. 8304265200
Property Type
  1. Land
  1. Call Broker
  2. Other
School District
  1. East Central I.S.D
School Tax
  1. 67.88
Septic System
  1. Allowed
Site Area Features
  1. None
Source Sqft
  1. Appsl Dist
  1. Level
  2. Gentle Slope
Total Acres
  1. 56
Total Tax
  1. 131.49
  1. Few
Utilities Available
  1. Water System
  2. Electric
Utilities On Site
  1. None
  1. 19
  1. A-1R
Liked Listings
Headshot for Associate Silvia Alcaraz
  1. Silvia Alcaraz, REALTOR ®
  2. Premier Realty Group
  3. Your Guiding Light to Home Ownership!
  4. sagoldenhome@gmail.com