Headshot for Associate Silvia Alcaraz
  1. Silvia Alcaraz, REALTOR ®
  2. Premier Realty Group
  3. Your Guiding Light to Home Ownership!
  4. sagoldenhome@gmail.com
1422 Nogalitos, San Antonio, TX 78204
  • MLS#: 1774858 ( Commercial Improved Prop )
  • Street Address: 1422 Nogalitos
  • Viewed: 14
  • Price: $1,500,000
  • Price sqft: $0
  • Waterfront: No
  • Year Built: 1980
  • Bldg sqft: 0
  • Days On Market: 227
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Possible Terms
  1. Sale Only
  2. 1st Seller Carry
Apprx Age
  1. 44
Available W Lease
  1. No
Buildingcenter Name
  1. 1422 NOGALITOS ST
Ceiling Height
  1. 10
  1. Wood
  2. 4 Sides Masonry
  1. Exclusive Right To Sell
Days On Market
  1. 213
  1. 213
Flood Plain
  1. None
  1. Go south on I-10
  2. reach Nogalitos St South West until you reach the corner of Pruitt Ave and Nogalitos St
Legal Description
  1. NCB 2979 BLK LOT 11 & 12
Loading Facilities
  1. None
Num Total Parking
  1. 14
Other Tax
  1. 1801.95
Owner Lrealreb
  1. No
Ph To Show
  1. 2104045488
Property Type
  1. Commercial Improved Prop
Rail Service
  1. No
  1. None
  1. Metal
  2. Flat
Sale Includes
  1. Buildings
  2. Land
School District
  1. San Antonio I.S.D.
School Tax
  1. 7434.16
Total Tax
  1. 13717.09
  1. Electricity
  2. Gas
  3. Water
  1. 14
Year Built
  1. 1980
  1. NCB 2979 BLK LOT 11 & 12
Liked Listings
Headshot for Associate Silvia Alcaraz
  1. Silvia Alcaraz, REALTOR ®
  2. Premier Realty Group
  3. Your Guiding Light to Home Ownership!
  4. sagoldenhome@gmail.com